Hanging out with Caleb on the last morning at the beach house |
Our little Ella doesn't seem so little lately! She turns 2 this weekend, and she really is becoming a "big girl". She's starting to potty train, and last weekend we officially moved her into her "big girl bed" and put away the crib--no going back! And she loves it; she has even started staying in bed at bedtime (or almost:)
Both kiddos love jumping on their beds! |
Her hair is getting so long--and so beautiful! We are learning, step by step, how to do it. We've found that, so long as we comb it through every day (or nearly), it is MUCH easier to do, and really doesn't get all that tangled. She is getting better at sitting to have her hair done without complaining, too--though not without wiggling! :) I think she likes to hear people tell her how pretty her hair looks when it is done.
Trying to get some pics of her hairdo :) |
A few things about Ella at "almost 2" years old:
She still loves water; she is miss indepedent, nearly always--and sometimes water and being independent get her into trouble! But she continues to be fearless. She loves her big brother, and they get along REALLY well--that is, when they are not overly tired :) When she is tired she actually likes going to bed! She loves to jump on Caleb and try to wrestle him when he is trying to watch a movie; she is definitely an even match for her brother, who also likes to tease! She is very social--she loves to say "hi" and wave at people everywhere we go. She LOVES going places in the car, and doesn't like to be left behind. And every day, when I ask her if she had a good day, she says, "Yeah, I go walk."="I went on a walk", whether or not we actually did. The last couple days, though, it's turned into, "I go sweemeen"="I went swimming". She can get into just about anything--Joe and I have been realizing that pretty much nothing is safely out of the kids' reach anymore! She LOVES to push a chair across the kitchen floor and climb up to "help" me cook whatever I am working on. And she has started pretending to cook like Caleb does--she'll get a bowl & spoon, ask for water or something in it, and stir and stir! She seems to have endless energy--when she is in a happy mood, she will dance around, dance from one room to the next, jump & hop...and she is so fun to watch! But when she is mad, watch out! She is good at throwing 2-yr-old fits ;)
Our beautiful, happy girl! |
The thing that inspired me to write this post was hearing her today asking Caleb about something in a little video they were watching: "Wha's sat, Kee-ub?"="What's that, Caleb?" SO cute--it is so fun to see her looking up to her older brother so much, and asking him her questions.
Buddies! |
This pic cracks me up--They were having so much fun dressing up,
and I'm sure they were saying "cheese" under their masks,
but it just looks like a mugshot of miscreant zoo animals :) |
Having a picnic in the little pool we bought at the grocery store |
Jumping with the big boys! |
The next growing-up step: getting rid of the binkies! Her birthday at the end of this week is the planned date for taking her to the store to "buy" some little toys with the binkies, so we'll see how that goes... :)