To start off, I apologize for no pictures on this one. Sorry! Tonight I was talking to my youngest sister, Dawn, and telling her about tonight's bedtime routine with Caleb and Ella. Typically our routine is take a bath, attack Ella's hair with a comb during bath time (that can be a challenge...more on that another time :), slather the kids with lotion because they both get eczema pretty bad with dry weather (Ella always has it, sweet's under control again, though), brush teeth, read stories, read scriptures, say family prayer together, and then...
..."Once Upon A Time" time. I'm really not that great of a story-teller but Caleb LOVES stories. Especially ones with dragons, eating bugs, "bad guys", or pretty much any random animal which he gets to name. We have a faithful star dragon in our stories named Apple-do (no idea where he came up with that one but it stuck). The whole reason I wanted to share all this, though, has to do with our standard introduction (which I think I've talked about before) which tonight was followed up by a comment by Caleb that made this Daddy proud. This is how it went:
Daddy: Once upon a time there was...
Caleb: ...a little boy named Caleb.
Daddy: And Caleb had a little sister named...
Caleb: ...Ella.
Daddy: And they were...
Caleb: ...buddies!
Wow, talk about being proud of this little guy. The best part is that it's true. We got to church this morning and the first thing they did was stand up on the chairs (we were in the back) and give each other a big morning hug and started giggling. I love seeing my kiddos love on each other. They are going to make very sweet and fun older siblings for their future siblings. :)