So, I'm not the world's best flower buyer. I'm not proud of it, but it's true. This year I didn't do too bad, though, and I actually got Sally flowers before Valentine's Day so she could enjoy them over the weekend before. In our house we have a dozen dried roses from who knows how long ago, and Sally decided to dry the new roses and ditch the old ones. The first mistake came in putting the dead roses within Ella and Caleb's reach. There were dried roses pretty much EVERYWHERE. :) The second mistake came when Sally hung the new 2 dozen roses to dry within their reach. Caleb understood the rule not to touch them. Ella may have understood it, but her little 20 month old impulses are a bit too strong to be overcome by Mommy's rules at this point. :) The following is the resulting mess. Some people count in order to calm themselves down before getting after their kids when they disobey. We tend to just take pictures. She looks so sweet and innocent, doesn't she? She's actually saying "cheese" in this picture. She has recently started covering her cute little face with her hands and standing very still when she gets caught doing something she knows it against the rules. Ha! The girl is a doll.